They're about to make some changes and there is a live broadcast in 2.5 hours. The chat seemed pretty serious about the little girl characters not being appropriate. It's ridiculous how most of these freemium games are pushing Objectifaction of females, but children should be off-limits. Every time I play Giant Arachnid with Amamiya Mirei, I'm surprised to see up her skirt when the Giant Arachnid rises from the playing floor.
It feels like a short time and there have been a lot of changes. When I got my hands on the game, it felt familiar to Hoyoverse Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail. Many of the items have different names but have similar mechanisms.
The most unusual aspect of the game is the character level. You earn it by playing. There is no Trial of Equilibrium or facing a beast of the correct kind to receive the leftovers once it is defeated. You just play and claim funds and play more.
This is where I am:
Character level 78
Reputation level 43
Battle Tier 20, 288,256
Mining Team Level 24 127/1000
Difficulty 22
Chapter 18 on Normal
Chapter 11 on Hard
Chapter 3 on Reverse
Challenges Chapter 16
That's decent. I look at CM Prizm with everything at maximum and I feel okay because I worked to get this far. You can't cheat to accomplish the story levels. There are no tricks. I'm sure people pay loads to get the correct weapons that I'm getting more slowly.
I have spent some money, but nothing on the scale that I've seen Genshin Impact players spend. One person I know spent US$200+ and I was shocked. I haven't spent anything and I'm at AR 43 now. It's similar to how I have dealt with Honkai: Star Rail, except that my characters are all at level 80, with decent Light Cones, etc. I didn't think that I could get to maximum without spending money, but it's possible.
I know that getting from Character level 78 to 85 will be more challenging. I'm on Story Chapter 18 and it seems to end at Chapter 20 so far. Difficulty 22 has been difficult enough and I'm not as good with the ice bears on A-rank red gates and I haven't played an S-rank red gate for a while because it just isn't working for me. I should be playing a higher difficulty but until I can do better, I'm being more cautious. What's strange is that on the red gates, I'm on manual control and the game still seems to be controlling the player somewhat.
I have all but five of the SSR-ranked characters. I have all of the SR-ranked characters, working to get all of the exclusive weapons crafted. The Summer edition helped with great characters and weapons for free.
I've been lucky to draw the best stuff. For Sung Jinwoo, I was using SR-ranked and R-ranked weapons up until Character level 25 but it's better now, with an SSR-ranked weapon in each category. It's good to have two SSR-ranked fire element weapons when dealing with the ice bears. Most of the SSR-ranked weapons have skills up to level 5 and even to level 6 on some skills. That's too low, I'm sure, but that's why Difficulty 22 is where I'll be for a while. Getting the level 78 artifacts will have to wait.
Upgrading skills has been expensive in terms of resources. I'm sure I could do better if I spent actual money on what I need. I always try to spread the resources to the three (sometimes, six) Hunters I feel can do the most good. Giving resources to Hunters that have little chance of winning doesn't make sense.
Time to Play
I've been playing for almost one hour. First thing I've noticed is that I have to click/tap 3 times to get the interface to respond. I appreciate the maintenance compensation and the codes to redeem, but why make the game perform more poorly?
Having developed business software, language translators, and more, I know that you get it going correctly, first. Then, you take the time to make it better. In a year, it will be as smooth as melted butter but I'm playing now.
At least, when playing Gates, it seems about the same as previous versions. Hopefully, that will be the same for the biggest bosses.
Did anyone get anything useful out of the weapons draw coupon? I salvaged the whole lot. Those Hunter weapons needed leveling up, so it wasn't all bad. Hopefully, I will have all the SSR-ranked Hunter weapons to level 80 within the next two weeks.
Reputation level is 44 now.
Update 2024.09.12: Character level is 79 as of this morning. I raised my Difficulty level to 23 but will probably raise that to 24 this evening. I'm not pushing enough to get the better artifacts. There was a box of level 78 artifacts waiting for me, but I could only choose 1 of the 8 available.
Update 2024.09.13: There was another box of level 78 artifacts waiting for me. Hopefully, there will be six more and I will get the whole set. Do I change Sung Jinwoo out of the summer sets of artifacts?
Does Manage Teams work correctly for anyone else? I changed the teams to reflect fire, wind, water, etc. and I changed Sung Jinwoo's weapons to match the Hunters but the weapons are changed everywhere.
While working with teams, my Battle Tier was increased to level 21.
Update 2024.09.14: The next set of artifacts box was available. Now, I have 3 of the 8 in the set. I will wait patiently. Lots of little changes but the annoying delays need something to be fixed. Clicking/tapping up to 5 times to do anything is too much.
Update 2024.09.15: Another artifact box was available. They all say "Greed" but do they all match? Reputation level is up to 45.
Update 2024.09.16: Character level is 80. That was the original limit. It's also the limit in Genshin Impact and Honkai: Star Rail. Now, the limit is 90 for Solo Leveling: Arise. Given that there are no tests or special items to use to rise to this level, does it matter? Is it just another number?
Update 2024.09.19: The game had a promotion to craft some level 78 artifacts of the kind they gave away. I had the Boots and Gloves of the Burning Greed, so I crafted the Helmet and Body Armor of the same type. Unfortunately, I don't know whether I'll get the other pieces of the Burning Greed or fill the extra artifacts of the Burning Curse or the Burning Blessing. I have some of those.
I've been trying to handle everything in the game and that's just not possible. I had my birthday yesterday, so I just did as much as I could after going out to eat. The Guild requires a lot to finish the daily requirements. I haven't finished the whole set since last week.
The game seems overly buggy right now. I've seen some small updates, but nothing to take care of the 3-5 clicks/taps problem I have. I can hope, though.
In the middle of Challenges Chapter 15, I'm making progress. It requires many of the Reverse Story episodes. Challenges shows you every corner of the game.
Update 2024.09.22: Character level is 81. Reputation level is 46. Battle Tier is 22. Challenges Chapter is 15. In Story mode, I'm at Normal Chapter 18, Hard Chapter 11, and Reverse Chapter 6. The Guild is small, with only three of us. I feel that my levels are okay, not great. I see the same names at the top and I expect that they started during the beta testing and got some extra free items and then, they spent a lot of money. I don't want to spend money, even though I have spent some.
Update 2024.09.25: Got a Sung Jinwoo weapon up to level 100. Continuing to progress, even if it is slow. Managed to get enough resources to limit break another weapon on the way from level 80 to level 100. Reputation level is up. Draw tickets have been a bit light lately, so I've been filling the gap with Essence Stones. Still have a lot but I have to slow down on using them. Got one of the new SSR-ranked characters but I'd rather have Cha Hae-In at this point. I could use a second light element character.
I've been trying to get the Hunter's skills up a few levels. Noticed that a couple of the newer SSR-ranked Hunters have level 3 skills. Go Gunhee is one of them and he's most powerful. I can't imagine if everything of his was at maximum levels.
I bought/exchanged the Trinity Force 7-day buff through the Guild Exchange Shop, and it's excellent. I made it through a rough patch of the story with Kalgalgan and more.
Update 2024.09.26: Character level is 82 and Reputation level is 47. I got another Sung Jinwoo weapon to level 100. I was working the Gates and the story in Hard, Normal, and Reverse modes. Tried everything to get enough power to struggle through the Hidden Chapters of the Story.
Playing some of the side stories made me realize that I haven't updated some of the early Hunters I used. Skills are low on every character but I tried to balance it over the few I needed. Having so many good Hunters and weapons means that I spread the resources thin. Returning to early story chapters meant that I would use characters that were fine then, but in Hard mode, wouldn't make it.
As I continue, will SR-ranked weapons for Sung Jinwoo even be useful? I have two SSR-ranked dark-oriented weapons at level 80. I only have one wind-oriented weapon and that's at level 100. As well, my only light-oriented SSR-ranked weapon is at level 100. Both of my fire-oriented SSR-ranked weapons are at level 80. The skills of each are level 5 or 6. I have one water-oriented weapon at level 80 and the other is at level 47.
Update 2024.09.28: Reputation level is at 48. Most SSR-ranked weapons for Hunters are at level 80. One is not quite to level 60, another is at level 40, and the third is under level 20. Having new Hunters and their weapons every month can be inconvenient. Since I have the whole Greed set of artifacts now, I've got those on Sung Jinwoo and the Battle Tier is up another level.
It's going to be a while for the couple of Precision Design bits I need to Limit Break another weapon past level 80. They "offered" a pack with one of the Precision Design bits but not two. I'm guessing that the next "offer" wouldn't be three times the price. That one might give me two of what I needed, just to keep me wanting more of them.
Update 2024.10.02: Reputation level is 49. Continuing to continue. More weapons leveled up. Using Harper for my daily Level up a Hunter. Got her weapon with one Advance and a lot of extra pieces in order to craft Advance number two.
Update 2024.10.05: Character level is 83. The exclusive weapon for Go Gunhee is going to level 100. Since that weapon had 4 Advances, it was the best to level up. I also have the light-oriented weapon for Cha Hae-In, but I don't have her. I just got Baek Yoonho, not beast version but I already have that one.
Recently, I kept wondering about the Army of Shadows. The game was informing me about changing numbers but didn't remind me about making modifications to the shadow characters themselves. Suddenly, the battles are going better. More resources needed again.
I'm still far from the top, not that being at the top would make a real difference in my life, but it would be interesting for a moment.
Once I'm at character level 90 and there is no further to go, can I concentrate on being better? Will there be more to do?
Update 2024.10.07: Up to Reputation level 50. The weapon for Go Gunhee is at level 100.