Thursday, December 19, 2024

Solo Leveling Arise: A New Beginning, On to Jeju Island without leaving home

 Another Wednesday has passed and the game shows improvement.

Thanks to the developers for speeding up the animation slowdown in the shop and elsewhere!  I haven't seen that ugly blue progress circle since the new release.  It's been slightly more than seven months, so progress should be expected.  In development, it's always better to get it working correctly first and then, speed it up.  Trying to make it fast from the start often requires re-working it far down the line when there isn't time or money for it.

Now, Jeju (pronounced chey ju) Island is a real place in South Korea.  So far the game hasn't talked about much but Seoul and Jeju Island.  Now, the ant king is another matter.  I don't remember a king ant in biology, but a queen ant.  We'll see.

The whole year has been put into future plans.  I was wondering if the game would last a year with the quick progression toward maximum levels.

My Sung Jinwoo is quite strong and the Hunters are showing their strength, also.  It was good to see that they have new light-oriented weapons for Sung Jinwoo.  For so long, I had one R-ranked weapon and then, one SR-ranked weapon.

Now, I have several weapons in both categories that are at level 100.  I've eliminated all of the R- and SR-ranked weapons except for Hunters, and those that remain are for Hunters I have rarely used.

Our tiny, 3-member Guild is going strong, on the way to C-rank.  With the re-balancing last month, it's become easier to finish every daily task.

I'm still unable to enhance/enchant artifacts.  Also, I have three cores, already assigned, but I'm slow to learn how to enhance those.  Being that I started playing the first official day, I should be picking it up better, but I'm sure people with school or jobs are having much more difficulty.

I hope you're all having fun.

Update 2024.12.21: I started on the journey to Jeju Island.  I'm a little concerned about some of the language.  I'm Japanese and I've had Korean friends.  I have the audio in Japanese, but I'm using English subtitles.  All along, when Korea is mentioned, the characters say in Japanese "Japan", which is very confusing since there is at least one word for Korea.

Ahead of the trip to Jeju Island, the Japanese Hunters meet the Korean Hunters in Korea.  There is some dialogue which is aggressive, as though our countries are not friendly.  I'm surprised, especially since this is a video game.

In any case, the first few episodes have been okay, but I'm not to the point where the characters met the queen ant or rather, king ant yet.

Update 2024.12.24: Character level is up to 91 and Army of Shadows is up to level 55 of 72.  Reputation level is 59.

Update 2024.12.28: The Army of Shadows is up to level 57 now.  Battle Tier is up, as well.  Plus, our little three person Guild ツムツム is up to C-rank level 2 and will probably be at C-rank level 1 by Wednesday.

I'm working on getting weapons upgraded with better skills, and getting the Hunters' skills up as well.

Update 2025.01.06: Character level is up to level 92 and Army of Shadows is up to level 60.  I've been fighting the Ant King, but without enough success.  He was down to level 15 when I ran out of time, so I have to have different Hunters, different weapons, a better strategy.  I'm not sure what else I can do, but, as with the rest, I'll figure it out.

 Getting the Hunters skills up to level 10 would be nice.  I still have some level 5 skills, so I definitely need to continue to upgrade them.  Resources take time or money and sometimes, you can spend money and still not get what you want.  I could have concentrated on three Hunters but I typically use nine regularly.  Also, I've been using the SSR-ranked healers lately.  Getting everything up to maximum is difficult for so many.

Update 2024.01.13: Got through the entrance to The Workshop of Brilliant Light.  Therefore, I have four more Cores for a total of seven now.  Trying to fill out those trophies to get to the next level.  Got the Gold-Tailed Fox for my second light-oriented weapon, finally, and it's at level 100 now.  Getting Hunters' weapons also to level 100 is happening slowly.  Getting the skills of Sung Jinwoo's weapons up takes time, also.

Update 2024.01.14: Up to character level 93. Resources are few right now, but I'm doing my best to continue to upgrade anything and everything that the character use regularly.  I have an SSR-ranked healer for Dark, Wind, and Light now.  Min Byung-Gu is the newest and most of his skills are at level three, so he's okay, but isn't quite as useful as he will be and he still needs his own weapon.  The other two have skills at level five, which is somewhat better.


Update 2024.01.15: New raid style, Esil Radiru is being added as a character.  About 3.5-4.0 hours until maintenance is finished.  Also, found that Tower of God, another Netmarble game, is under maintenance.  I suppose it's easier to do all of them at once, if new server hardware is involved.  Lag has improved.  After playing five different games from Netmarble, I'm down to two.  I removed Genshin Impact, as well but I still have Honkai: Star Rail.


I got a couple of surprises, Esil Radiru and Truth: Kasaka's Venom Fang.  It will be a while to get them up to max levels, but it's interesting to get the latest and greatest.

Update 2025.01.16: Also have Esil Radiru's weapon.  Working on Workshop of Brilliant Light again.  Have more Cores to add to Hunters.


Update 2025.02.09: Character level is 95.  Reputation level is 62 and Army of Shadows is at level 66.  I'm still working to level up Hunters' skills to level 7 or higher.  Having so many Hunters in use every day makes it difficult to find the resources.  Trying to do everything required for more of everything.


Update 2025.02.11: Got through Jeju Island and defeated the Ant King.  Still working on the Ant Queen in a side chapter.  It's clear but not complete. 


Update 2025.02.13: Another Live Stream and more codes.  CM Prizm is still out, but they showed him going to get chicken through their promotional deal.  He wasn't even good at that.

Guild Boss is now the Queen Ant.

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